据美国约翰斯·霍普金斯大学统计资料的疫情动态数据,全美总计报告新冠肺炎发病病例已超强400万例,丧生逾14.4万例,刷新一个“令人忧伤”的里程碑。 不受疫情影响,美国总统特朗普宣告中止了原订于8月共和党全国代表大会在佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔市的议程。
他回应,预计他将以“另一种形式”公开发表演说,很有可能在线展开。 与此同时,美国上周首度申请失业救济人数自3月份以来首次下降,倒数第18周申请人人数超强百万。据美联社报导,在疫情之前,美国每周的首度申请人数未曾多达70万。
The United States has passed the grim milestone of more than four million positive coronavirus cases, according to data from Johns Hopkins University。So far there have been more than 144,000 deaths。 Citing coronavirus concerns, U.S。President Donald Trump called off part of the Republican National Convention that was to take place in Jacksonville, Florida in August。
Trump said he would deliver an acceptance speech in an alternate form, potentially online。 Meanwhile, more than 1.4 million people applied for new unemployment claims, up from 1.3 million the previous week。It‘s the first increase since March and the 18th straight week that it has topped one million。Before the pandemic, applications had never exceeded 700,000, AP reported。
在美国疫情形势如此不利的情况下,美国国务卿蓬佩奥还在四处“扯锅”,不仅无端指责世卫的组织“被中国勾结”,还更进一步污蔑中国。 >>谴责世卫 据《泰晤士报》报导,蓬佩奥近期在英国伦敦采访时,声称世卫的组织总干事谭德塞已被中国“勾结”。 针对蓬佩奥所此番无端指控,世卫总干事谭德塞23日还击称之为,蓬佩奥的谴责纯属捏造,不能拒绝接受,没任何根据。
他回应,世卫的组织的唯一焦点就是解救生命,这也是唯一最重要的事。 On Thursday, World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus criticized U.S。Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for his “untrue and unacceptable comments” alleging that the WHO has been “bought” by China。Ghebreyesus said such statements distracted from the pandemic response。
>>污蔑中国 当地时间23日下午,蓬佩奥在美国加州尼克松总统图书馆公开发表演讲时,又对中国发动了新一轮的反击。他称之为尼克松大约50年前打开的对华政策“早已告终”,并声援世界换一种方式应付中国。 回应,中国外交部发言人华春莹在社交平台上用中英双语对蓬佩奥的演说内容不予还击,认为蓬佩奥的所作所为形象地展现出了什么叫“蚍蜉撼树”。
现在是到了全世界所有爱好和平的人站出来制止他给世界导致更大危害的时候了。” Pompeo delivered a speech at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library in California on Thursday, calling on the world to deal with China in a different way, and wanted to calibrate the message that about 50 years of “engagement” with Beijing, commenced by Richard Nixon with his visit to China in 1972, was a failure。 Hua Chunying, spokesperson for China‘s Foreign Ministry, fired back on Pompeo’s speech in both English and Chinese on Twitter on Friday, pointing out that what Pompeo is doing is “as futile as an ant trying to shake a tree。
” 来源:CGTN引荐读者: 为什么蓬佩奥骗子?。
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